The Owl

The Owl

Monday, April 22, 2013


Early in the morning when the first rays of sun penetrate the tips of the mountain tops rays shine down into a forest of white birch tree's, straight into a clearing of soft green grass and lightly colored flowers. With the smell of fruit rising from the many berry bushes speckling the forest floor, the birds begin the daily chorus of daytime activity. The flowers begin to open up their buds, shaking away the morning dew, to drink from the glinting rays of sunlight escaping through the holes in the cloudy sky. The sounds of cars driving through the many street-ed suburban wonderland laying just off the mountain side drift up and join the sounds of mingling wildlife. Rocks sitting on a cliff grow bored and chase the sounds of trickling water down a hill leading to the city, leading the river's inhabitants in a frantic chase down the river bed. The silvery scales create a brilliant flash in the morning light, illuminating the water above. Lightly grayed clouds mingle with the fluffy pillows in the sky, and drip light rain on the canopy of pale green leaves. The light shoots through the saturated sky and is set free into a burst of color stretching across the skyline revealing the trail to a hidden treasure among a forest of white birch tree's. Right into a clearing of soft green grass and lightly colored flowers, smelling of fruit from the berry bushes speckling the forest floor and alive with the chorus of daytime activity's.

i feel

I feel you through the interference.

All those colors and subtle rain showers, those things that block me from you.

I feel you through it all because i know they are your feelings. Those things that make you want to break down, those things that make you hard, those things that make you unreachable. I feel what you want me to feel and then i feel deeper. I reach for what i know is who you are, and when i find it i will embrace it.

You feel the bricks and the tide, the flowers and the glass, you feel as though everything is wrong and everything that is wrong is what makes you: you.

Take shelter, its okay to feel helpless and lost. Its okay as long as you feel it on solid ground, as long as you feel it where you wont fall. The fall is long, and the fall is hard. You wont fall if you hold on, so hold on to my hand. I will try to be strong so we can stay where the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Hold on, and if i am too weak we will fall. Fall together, and the climb back up is always easier with some you trust to do it with you.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Newspaper Art

Thraavup The Owl

The support.

The background. The stage. The scenery. The floor. The wall. The shoes. The scent. The grass. The tree. The cane. The sky.

Wherever you are, whatever you need. Whenever you think, Whatever it is.

Forever pulling the strings, Forever not being seen.

The puppeteer, the jester, but not the king. The path but not the guide, the spot but not the trap.

Thraavup the owl, the clandestine support to the exhibited event. Making things move but never touching, composing the coup through masked words, Freeing the rebel through no action.

I am the owl, i control everything but take no credit. I will always be on top though i may be seen on the bottom. Out-Think, Out-Maneuver. A player in the game of limitless opportunity and option.

Support doesn't meant weak, it means smart.

When do people gain their humanity?

Okay here we go... what separates us from animals would be our state of life and mind. Marlow's  hierarchy of needs explains that we aim to accomplish different levels of accomplishments. We start off on the first two levels which are our basic needs of sustaining life through food, water, shelter, security, etc. On that level we are equal with animals. After that we branch out into the third section: love and belonging, or having close friends, family and sexual intimacy (boyfriend/girlfriend). Most people find success here and those who don't either fade away or skip that level to find it later. Others who do succeed here will not continue on, this is what our society glorifies. We are built around relationships and pleasing ourselves through these relationships. We think this is all there is too life and stop, most people don't go on because they want to "fit in". Those who do go on though find happiness in themselves, not in others, meaning we work to better ourselves and don't care if others disagree with it because we are comfortable in who we are. These people usually seek to help anyone who is trying to reach this level, and they respect others even if they are not as far along than themselves. People usually spend most of their lives in this level (or below it), but if you master it, you can then reach out to discover the world and learn and love everything about it: this is self actualization. When you don't have to worry about your own insecurities, or others, and you can focus on the world around you. That is when you have figured yourself out perfectly. To answer this question: humanity is achieved once we develop relationships, but humanity can then be developed and progressed through further introspection and discovery on who we are and how we want to live.

Monday, April 8, 2013